Get Comfortable 2024
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Good companies are good citizens.
And good citizens are good news to their communities.
In April, we released this year’s version of Get Comfortable—a Wheated IPA by style, this beer not only benefits our core community impact program—also called Get Comfortable, which is currently focused on improving literacy outcomes in our local school system—but it incorporates a more sustainable wheat variety developed by UGA’s Small Grains Breeding & Genetics laboratory.
Get Comfortable is now an Official Recipient of G-Day Proceeds
As the official craft beer of the University of Georgia Athletics, Creature Comforts is proud to have UGA Athletics join dozens of local partners who are co-funding Get Comfortable. After all, to adequately address consensus community priorities takes stakeholders of all types. UGA Athletics, therefore, is helping us to achieve the Get Comfortable mission, which is to channel the generosity of many toward the greatest local needs.
Take a Peek Behind the Beer
This year’s Get Comfortable recipe was developed in collaboration with UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences faculty member, Dr. Mohamed Mergoum, the Georgia Seed Development UGAF Professor in Wheat Breeding & Genetics. His research helped create a wheat variety that is better suited to the South for its ability to thrive in humid climates that harbor a wide range of pests.
Beyond his research, Dr. Mergoum drove up from UGA’s Griffin Campus to participate in our hop blending process, where we experimented with a variety of hops that would ultimately harmonize with his wheat variety and showcase his work. The featured wheat was grown in Colquitt, Georgia by Mixon Seed Company, and malted by Epiphany Malt up in North Carolina.
Get Comfortable 2024 ultimately pairs sustainable practices and community impact. We can say again that good companies are indeed good citizens, enriching the communities they serve.