For most staff members at Creature Comforts, we walked into our bi-monthly, all-staff Town Hall meeting as we normally do; we poured a beer, chatted with one another, got settled in our seats, and prepared to get caught up on the on-goings here at the brewery.

Our meeting proceeded as usual until goBeyondProfit founder Rick Johnson presented us with the 2020 goBeyondProfit Champion Award, which recognizes Georgia companies of all sizes honoring exemplary approaches in corporate generosity.

“Creature Comforts sets a terrific example that companies should understand their strengths when it comes to corporate generosity and solving community needs,” explains Jackson. “They use their strengths – including convening people and using data to set strategy – as a multiplying force to align needed experts and partners in solving the highest priority issues.”

CCBC receives goBeyondProfit Champion Award

Since we opened our doors, the founding team members shared a hope that our community would benefit as a result of us operating here. Our community impact strategy started through a program called Get Comfortable, which strives to help those whose fundamental needs are unmet.

We soon realized that not only do we want the citizens of our community to survive, but also to thrive. We have come to understand that there’s a clear relationship between a vibrant arts scene and one’s connection to that community – so we created Get Artistic to help residents become connected citizens.

“Being a good neighbor is simply the right thing to do, and we also have come to see that it even lifts the business in multiple ways. We have seen a positive financial impact, an improved ability to attract and retain top talent, and most importantly, a daily sense of purpose that drives our work. I believe when business leaders recognize the potential (and dare I say responsibility) to do more than generate profits, there is the opportunity to truly leave a legacy.” says our CEO Chris Herron.

CCBC receives goBeyondProfit Champion Award

To read a profile of our company and what this award means to us, visit