2024 Impact Report

In 2022, we deliberately chose to add an important phrase to our Mission Statement: to be a force for good in the world. While this principle has always served as a guidepost, the formal adoption of this language has reinforced our commitment to making a positive impact both across our region and within the craft brewing industry.
Along with a commitment, however, comes the need for accountability. Hence the need for goalsetting and KPIs. Hence this annual report.
Within its pages, you’ll discover how these interconnected efforts manifest across our various domains—from investments in our workforce and local communities, to our endless pursuit of more sustainable production practices.
Here are just a few highlights from 2024:
- Our Get Comfortable initiative was awarded the Best Community Improvement Program by the United States Chamber of Commerce at the 25th Annual Citizens Awards in Washington D.C.—a program honoring companies nationwide for their leadership in solving the world’s biggest challenges.
- Speaking of Get Comfortable, we successfully expanded this community-driven, collaboratively-funded effort to improve 3rd grade reading proficiency into a second school after completing a successful 2-year pilot.
- We were presented the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award by AmeriCorps, having accrued 7,571 service hours since formalizing an Employee Volunteer Program in 2018.
- 74% of our employees accrued 2,038 volunteer hours last year alone, serving 141 unique beneficiaries.
- 44% of these volunteer hours came from high-impact service opportunities. For just a snapshot, last year Creature Comforts employees assumed leadership positions on 10 local nonprofit boards and task forces, as well as 10 nationwide industrial committees—amongst them the Brewers Association, the American Society of Brewing Chemists, and the Georgia Craft Brewers Guild.
- We helped launch the Birkley Heynen Environmental Foundation in partnership with the UGA Office of Sustainability, the Odum School of Ecology, and the Athens Area Community Foundation.
- We achieved 100% renewable electricity through a combination of onsite solar generation and Renewable Energy Certificate purchases.
- We modified our Reverse Osmosis water system to eliminate 6,000 gallons of water waste per day.
- We incorporated a nitrogen-generator into our production processes, reducing our CO2 purchases by 25%.
- We outstripped our 3-year goal to reduce total Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions by 5%—achieving a final reduction of 18%.
For the sake of transparency, we share both our progress and our future goals within this report, offering a deeper look into aspects of our operations not always visible to the casual observer. We hope you’ll find this annual impact report both engaging and enlightening.
Here’s to the next decade of incremental improvements,
Adam Beauchamp
Chief Executive Officer