The Curious Series

The Curious Series
We like to explore the landscape of beer and come up with flavors that may be new, delicious, and/or slightly unique. That’s why we’ve developed The Curious series. The Curious No. 1 was poured at a small festival this summer, but The Curious No. 2 is just about to be released. We’re really excited about this release because it’s our first award winning beer! We won a bronze medal at the Great American Beer Festival for American Brett Beer with this beer. This is an extremely limited release as we only have 234 500mL bottles… total. As you can imagine, it’s going to be a little tough to nab a bottle of our first award winner, but they’ll be coming out around mid to late November so keep your eyes peeled.
Moving forward we’ve said to ourselves The Curious series will be 500 bottles or less. Sometimes we’ll take journeys with these beers – exploring new techniques, flavors, ingredients – and we can’t wait for you to take the journey with us. These beers will be quite alive once they reach your hands. We bottle condition these beers and age them until the flavor is just right. Constantly evolving in the bottle and changing over time, the perfect moment to drink these will be when you have the perfect company to share these limited beers with. Follow our wondering minds and see what we like to experiment with.
The Curious No. 3 is coming down the pipeline as well. We don’t want to spill all the beans, so just know it involves our house blend of Brett, a Willet bourbon barrel, and blackberries.